COVD-19 Prevention and Your Pet: Supporting The US Military, Sofa Memb – Pet Holiday


COVD-19 Prevention and Your Pet: Supporting The US Military, Sofa Members, and Community in Yokosuka during the Pandemic

Write By: Kevin Ballentine on

We at Pet Holiday hope that you and your family are staying safe during this fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.  While it is imperative to make sure your family is taking the right precautionary measures to ensure their safety, it is equally important to practice safe hygiene when handling your pets. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) discovered that coronaviruses that infect animals are very rarely spread to people.  A similar finding by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) revealed although there is not enough current evidence that shows the coronavirus can be transmitted to or from our pets, basic hygiene practices around animals are highly recommended.  Fundamental practices such as washing your hands thoroughly before and after direct contact with pets, food, or supplies will help you and your pet stay safe during the pandemic.

Here are five quick tips on how you can increase the safety of your family and pets during the fight against COVID-19:

  1. Have Emergency Back-Ups – Always have an emergency plan for your pet.  You can reduce going out for pet food and supplies as much as possible by storing an emergency kit for at least 30 days.  The emergency kit should include a collar with updated information,  medications, and any essentials needed to maintain your pet's health.
  2. Protect Your Pet- Limit your pets’ interaction with people or other animals outside the household.  Keep cats indoors as much as possible to prevent them from interacting with other animals or people.
  3. Maintain 6 Feet (2 meters)-Walk your dog(s) on a leash, maintaining at least 6 feet (2 meters) from other people and animals. Always avoid crowded areas or places that attract large numbers of dogs. 
  4. Avoid Your Pet If You are Sick- Service animals should be permitted to remain with their handlers at all times.  However, wearing a cloth face covering and washing your hands when handling your pet will help reduce the potential of virus spread.  If possible, have another member of the household care for your pets while you are sick.  You may also want to consider a family member, friend, neighbor, or a boarding facility if the illness persists.
  5. Monitor Your Pet- If you suspect your pet is sick or injured, please coordinate with the local veterinarian. While seeking help for your pet, be sure to also practice safe quarantine protocol.  Telemedicine may be appropriate if you have tested positive or recently been in contact with someone with COVID-19.  

Pet Holiday is also here to answer questions you may have about your pet and any assistance if needed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Guidance and Recommendations by CDC are provided below:

Interim Guidance for Public Health Professionals Managing People with COVID-19 in Home Care and Isolation Who Have Pets or Other Animals

Interim recommendations for intake of companion animals from households where humans with COVID-19 are present external icon

Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Veterinary Clinics

COVID-19 and Animals FAQs

Information on Bringing an Animal into the United States

World Organisation for Animal Health: Q&As on COVID-19external icon

USDA: Coronavirus Disease 2019external icon

FDA: Coronavirus Disease 2019external icon

USDA Statement on the Confirmation of COVID-19 Infection in a Tiger in New Yorkexternal icon


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